# of watchers: 17
Fans: 0
| D20: 16 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2004-11-03 [unlikelynominee]: ~sobs quietly~
2004-11-03 [Yuriona]: O_o
2004-11-03 [Mordigen]: ?
2004-11-03 [unlikelynominee]: Bush. ~sobs more~
2004-11-03 [Yuriona]: *pats Seville's shoulder sympatheticall
2004-11-03 [unlikelynominee]: ~wails~ But it's soooo looooong. I'll be 18 by the time he's out. I don't want to spend my highschool career with HIM in office.
2004-11-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: There are all ready 4 Fair, but there's only 3 Fell, so Fair doesn't need anybody new. (I AM NOT STARTING AN ARGUMENT OR BEING EVIL! I'm just pointing out you all ready have more.)
2004-11-03 [Yuriona]: I'm biting my tongue JC. LOL!! No worries... As for Bush, at least you'll be able to vote against him next time around Seville. ^^'
2004-11-03 [unlikelynominee]: No I won't ><; He'll be finished with his second term. Over. Done with. Kaput. Unless he turns the US into a dictatorship, which very well might happen.
2004-11-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah. But it's like total freedom: you'll be an adult in a Bush-free world.
2004-11-03 [Yuriona]: Oh yeah....your presidents can't stay in office more than 2 terms. Unlike our Prime Minister... *grumbles* at least you didn't have Crechien to endure for like decades. O_O (damn...can't remember how to spell his stupid name...argh...)
2004-11-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: You mean, at least we don't have Bush to endure for like 8 years.
2004-11-04 [Yuriona]: Exactly. Cretien was in office for 12 YEARS!! ACK!!! (and the only reason he isn't still the Prime MInister is because he was forced to retire). Just hope that Jeb Bush doesn't decide to run next time around... @_@
2004-11-04 [unlikelynominee]: At least he's a bit smarter than his cousin. But I hope not also. If Cheney runs, mom and I are coming up to your place JC.
2004-11-04 [Augury]: *agrees* You'll have a house full of US refugees.
2004-11-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: DUDE and I can meet Aug! Dood. Come. Live.
2004-11-04 [Augury]: yeah i know!
2004-11-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: Be. I am.
2004-11-04 [Mordigen]: I hope Bush gets assasinated this year.....I lost the pool last time, dammit
2004-11-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: That's mean, though. No one deserves to die unnaturally. Now, if we could find a way to give him a natural and fatal disease...
2004-11-04 [Augury]: yeeeeeeeeeah. sneaky.
2004-11-04 [Yuriona]: Hmmmm... I better start reviewing what works best. *turns on A&E Cold Case Files*
2004-11-05 [eyes of frost]: I am watching that right now!
2004-11-05 [Jeesum Crowe]: Dood. Really.
2004-11-05 [Yuriona]: What? It has some really good pointers. LOL!! Exhibit A is a good show too - Graham Greene narrates it. It's Canadian though so I'm not sure if it's shown in the States.
2004-11-09 [unlikelynominee]: Yeah they have Cold Case down here, if we're thinking of the same show.
2004-11-09 [Yuriona]: Exhibit A is the Canadian one. Cold Case is awesome though!!
2004-11-11 [Dark Trance]: you guys watch Cold case? hmm for a while there i thought i was the only one. can i join?
2004-11-12 [unlikelynominee]: I don't really watch it. I just know about it. And you need to ask [Mordigen] if you want to join.
2004-11-15 [Alfirin Lindlea]: This looks cool...
2004-11-17 [Dark Trance]: i don't know that person i'm new
2004-11-17 [Jeesum Crowe]: then go meet her.
2004-11-17 [Augury]: ..............
2004-11-18 [Mordigen]: I am Mordigen, I am not hard to get to know --- so you can meet me all you want and ask about joining. But...all info about joining is already posted on these wiki's, so if you come up to me and ask me "how do i join" I will take it you don't know how to read rules and follow them.....so please read before you ask ^_^
2004-11-19 [Dark Trance]: screw you then.....
2004-11-19 [Yuriona]: Well that's not very nice. I guess with an attitude like that we don't really want you to play.
2004-11-19 [Dark Trance]: ok but she just stared talking to me and being a jerk. it's not my fault i don't know everything
2004-11-20 [Yuriona]: It's her RP and she has a point. Everyone else here read all the wiki pages before asking to join and then we had to audition. Read the rules and the application wiki if you are serious about joining. If not, I'm asking once politely that you leave. As for Mordigen being a 'jerk'...she was in fact very polite and civil whereas you decided to act like a spoiled brat who didn't get their way. It is your fault that you don't know anything when the wikis for the Rules and Application are right at the top of the page. Personally I think you're just lazy and wanted the easy way out but that's just my opinion. I also think you should apologize but I'm pretty sure that's not about to happen.
2004-11-20 [Dark Trance]: ok then... I'm sorry... but you know nothing about spoiled...i'm not spoiled
2004-11-20 [Yuriona]: You'd be surprised about what I know young lady. I never said you were spoiled, I said you behaved as though you were. Nothing comes easy in this life. Get used to it.
2004-11-20 [Dark Trance]: i know and things can be a lot harder i swear it.
2004-11-20 [Dark Trance]: i'm also sorry i'm not a perfectionist and i don't like being pushed around.
2004-11-20 [Yuriona]: I don't know why you're getting all bent out of shape over this. I am not pushing you around nor did I say anywhere that you were a perfectionist. As for the pushing... I haven't yet.
2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: Dude, you responded to the pushing thing twice in one post, Yuri. I found this amusing. ANYWAY, Duckys! Get over it, move on, and capitalize 'I' when reffering to yourself.
2004-11-20 [Dark Trance]: I would if it mattered but i'm on the internet and my teachers aren't inspecting it
2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: I love how you started off your protest with a capital I, reffering to yourself. Anyway, it does matter. Try getting anywhere in your life when you lowercase yourself.
2004-11-20 [Dark Trance]: iiiiiiiiiiii good enough?
2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: Heh. You amuse me with your stupidity.
2004-11-20 [Yuriona]: Huh... so I did. ^^ As I've said before, stupid people only exist to amuse the smart ones. :B
2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: Like. Intelligent people invented powdered doughnuts to watch stupid people try to eat them.
2004-11-20 [Runingwhispers]: hahahahaha...t
2004-11-20 [Mordigen]: OOOOOkaaaaaay.
2004-11-20 [Mordigen]: now, you're turn to apologize for patronizing their 'i's and making assumptions about someone you don't know. Ok? I'm trying very hard to keep this a good environment, and WE NEED MORE PEOPLE lol, so please, everyone calm down and play nicely or else no more recess for you ^_^
2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: I sowwy. I was just kidding around 'cause it was amusing. Anyway, we've got plenty people, I think. Plenty to win *evil laughter* or lose. *shoot*
2004-11-20 [Mordigen]: yea i know you guys were just playing --- but I don't think they know you all that well, lol, so you should let them know that you didn't mean it
2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: I apologize. DOTH THOU FORGIVETH MOI?! (wow that was fun to say)
2004-11-20 [Yuriona]: I wasn't joking in the first comment... I found the 'screw you then' very insulting. I just wanted to stand up for you Mordigen!! *cries* I'm sorry!!! (and I said nothing about capatilization btw... :P)
2004-11-20 [Mordigen]: yes yes, but their response to my comment was explained and i explained i was said it in a jokingly manner so all is good --- lets just see if we haven't scared them off or not, lol
2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: *dances* JOHN, I'M ONLY DANCING! SHE TURNS ME O-ON I'M ONLY DANCING!
2004-11-20 [Yuriona]: O_O Weirdo.
2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: Tch. People who don't know Bowie are so passe.
2004-11-20 [Yuriona]: :P Sorry... I like his stuff I'm just not a fanatic. LOL!! I loved him in Labrynth though... and Zoolander. Hah.
2004-11-21 [unlikelynominee]: Bowie in an armie suit= yum. Bowie in an armie suit with a Nazi symbol on it= immeadiate turn off. I'm so glad he's over his facist phase, even though he looked awesome in a uniform.
2004-11-21 [Mordigen]: O.o The Number of watchers suddenly jumped from 14 to 20.....where are all these people who are stalking us? lol
2004-11-21 [Yuriona]: I dunno... some of them should think about auditioning though. AFTER reading the appropriate wikis though. LOL!!
2004-11-21 [Mordigen]: yea, seriously --- when we randomly Jump up 6 watchers but no one says anything ---- TAKE INTEREST PEOPLE, WE DONT BITE.
2004-11-21 [Augury]: .....*bites*
2004-11-21 [Mordigen]: Bad Aug! *puts mussle on her*
2004-11-21 [Augury]: *growls mildly and sips tea sloppily through muzzle*
2004-11-21 [Yuriona]: *hands Aug a straw*
2004-11-21 [Jimbaliah]: I drew a picture of Merryck. Can I put it on his Character page?
2004-11-21 [Yuriona]: Stick him in The Return of the Illustration Contest.
2004-11-21 [Jimbaliah]: It's not quite good enough for that.
2004-11-21 [Yuriona]: So?
2004-11-21 [Jimbaliah]: I don't want to be last place.
2004-11-21 [Mordigen]: yes yes -- good plug yuri -- stick him on the Contest page ^_^
2004-11-21 [Jimbaliah]: what what? no! its not good enough yet!
2004-11-21 [Yuriona]: Think of him as a place holder for when it is good enough. :P
2004-11-21 [Jimbaliah]: Fine.
2004-11-21 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: <= was here!!! *that sounded like Britney!* I know you don't bite, I'm just afraid I will, full moons close!! o.O
2004-11-22 [Augury]: *sips tea with straw, somewhat neater about it.*
2004-11-23 [Jeesum Crowe]: bwahssa
2004-11-24 [Mordigen]: just a note to all ---- if you are looking for hints, you will want to start watching my house as well, because I will post a LOT of pictures that I have drawn and will continue to draw giving you clues to deeper things and hints about what to look for and expect. ;)
2004-11-24 [Yuriona]: Ooooo... *puts Mordi's house on watch*
2004-11-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: *has always had mordi's house on watch. Feels like an extra-special friend.*
2004-11-24 [Yuriona]: *hands JC hero biscuit*
2004-11-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: *feels she deserves a biscuit*
2004-11-24 [Runingwhispers]: *sulks for not getting any*
2004-11-24 [Yuriona]: Sorry... the only Fell I give biscuits to is JC 'cause she's special. ^^
2004-11-24 [Mordigen]: runing had my house on watch too ----- *hands runing a biscuit too*
2004-11-24 [Runingwhispers]: grrrrr...FINE *walks off*
2004-11-24 [Mordigen]: hey! ... I just gave you a biscuit!
2004-11-24 [Runingwhispers]: :) thanks *sticks tongue out at Yuriona*
2004-11-24 [Yuriona]: *sticks tongue out at Runing* You wouldn't want those biscuits. *points to JC* They're stale.
2004-11-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: *glad she didn't eat the biscuit.* God, you're so mean sometimes, Yuri. *trashes the biscuit and sulks in a big, velvet, victorianesque chair*
2004-11-24 [Yuriona]: Yeah... I thought you knew that. *points to Mistress of Pain title* Here. Have a banana muffin instead. I made them fresh this morning. Nothing wrong with them I promise. *eats one herself*
2004-11-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: I don't like you enough to eat your banana muffin.
2004-11-24 [Yuriona]: Awww... *sniff* I just wanted to make up for the stale biscuit. *CRIES*
2004-11-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: I'm sure. *curls up in her big, velvet, victorianesque chair*
2004-11-24 [Yuriona]: Fine... all the more for me. :P
2004-11-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Bon appétit.
2004-11-24 [Rook]: hum, i feel the love in this wiki, i really do
2004-11-25 [Mordigen]: isn't it grande ^_^
2004-11-25 [Mordigen]:
2004-11-26 [Mordigen]:
2004-11-26 [Yuriona]: WHOO HOO!!!
2004-11-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Anti-Ana
2004-12-01 [The House That No Longer Is]: Wow, this sounds really interesting.
2004-12-01 [Jeesum Crowe]: IT IS. IT RULES. WE RULE. LOVE US.
2004-12-02 [Mordigen]: Well read on through everything and let us know if you want to join ^_^
2004-12-02 [The House That No Longer Is]: Okay. ^^ I will.
2004-12-18 [Yuriona]: ACK!!! *faints* LOL!!
2004-12-18 [unlikelynominee]: Hah. I find it so amusing that Yuri spazzes at every mention of Kai.
2004-12-18 [Jeesum Crowe]: Tch. It's not like it's Mourdrid or anything.
2004-12-19 [Jimbaliah]: Are you kidding? Kai Rocks!
2004-12-19 [Jeesum Crowe]: Mourdrid rocks harder.
2004-12-19 [Jimbaliah]: Nuh Uh
2004-12-19 [Jeesum Crowe]: Uh huh
2004-12-19 [Augury]: ...ah. I think that... I rock harder.
2004-12-19 [Yuriona]: 0.o *backs out slowly*
2004-12-19 [Jeesum Crowe]: AUG! Where are you when a girl is waitin'? Gone when she gets back, that's what. Huff.
2004-12-19 [Augury]: Heh.
2004-12-22 [Ashley69]: merry christmas and happy new year
2004-12-22 [Augury]: merry xmas, Ms. 69. -.-
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Oh. Oh, that was a bad choice. tch. Welcome to the game, pain. *grumble*
2004-12-24 [Chynadoll]: awww why grumble? dont you want me to play? :'(
2004-12-24 [Mordigen]: no no, it's not that --- she's just jealous because you chose the Fair team, and she's on the Fell :P lol
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Oh, jealous is a terrible word to choose. I am not jealous. People have their own choice in what they do, and the Fair aren't gonna get anywhere near us with an army of masses. It's just that we're so much better it's a shame anyone would want to go to the Fair side. *Ooh. Ooh, that was good.*
2004-12-24 [Chynadoll]: sounds like someones bitter about being cast out ;P
2004-12-24 [Chynadoll]: ^.^ ooo im bad
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Cast out of what? I auditioned for Mourdrid before the way you applied for the place came about. I've always been a Fell. Proud & True.
2004-12-24 [Chynadoll]: * shakes head* tragic ;P
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: What's tragic is how far behind the fair are.
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: I AM NOT RAISING TROUBLE *sits back down in her victorianesque chair*
2004-12-24 [Mordigen]: lmao, someones gettin an ego ;) oh, and BTW.....the Fair have gotten near you, in fact, they have caught up......and know a some things that you guys don't XD
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Shhhhhhhhhhh!!
2004-12-24 [Augury]: ..*pouts*
2004-12-24 [Mordigen]: while you guys have been sitting back goin "look how far ahead we are" they've been looking into stuff and gettin closer and closer --- so I guess it's time for you to get back outta your victorianesque chair and start lookin for more stuff too ;)
2004-12-24 [Chynadoll]: oh! what now! hehe
2004-12-24 [Mordigen]: oh. whoops......we
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah, we are, that's exactly what we just started to do. But we weren't sitting back. Aug was doing Scraye and stuff and I was doing Devenir Saint and we were working together on Mourning Glory and I was running around like mad about Anti-Ana and... school?
2004-12-24 [Chynadoll]: besides...lets face it...how often do the bad guys really win...i mean seriously
2004-12-24 [Mordigen]: actually, the win often in my stories...... I don't care much for happy endings, so my stuff always has a twist, so BOTH sides have to put up an effort to win, it's not just handed to the good *evil grin*
2004-12-24 [Mordigen]: yea, which reminds me I still need to do my app for Aug.....I've been meaning to finish it but Holidays are alwys time consuming
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Oh. Oh. That was cold. Plus--- who says we're necessarily bad? I mean, from our point of view you are the bad guys.
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: and Mordy- can you get on AIM, please?
2004-12-24 [Chynadoll]: hmm...point taken..tooshay(i know thats not spelt right)
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: touche!
2004-12-24 [Chynadoll]: yea but... look how funny it looks the way i spell it... its like tushy with an oo an a
2004-12-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: ........I see now why you are fair.
2004-12-24 [Chynadoll]: -_-
2004-12-24 [Augury]: ^.^
2004-12-25 [Mordigen]: lmao
2005-01-05 [Mordigen]: We've been featured in The Wiki Awards! WOOT!!
2005-01-05 [Yuriona]: We have?? *goes to look*
2005-01-05 [Rook]: very cool, kudos Mordigen!
2005-01-05 [Jeesum Crowe]: *opens the champagne.... realizes she doesn't like champagne and sets it on a table*
2005-01-06 [Augury]: Yay! *opens pouch of koolaid, sips*
2005-01-06 [Jeesum Crowe]: *joins aug, and sits in her famous victorianesque chair*
2005-01-07 [Augury]: *reclines on the floor and hums happily*
2005-01-07 [Jeesum Crowe]: OMIGOD I THOUGHT YOU SAID 'humps happily' XDXD
2005-01-08 [Rook]: <.< >.>
2005-01-08 [Yuriona]: 0.o Is that a Fruedian slip??
2005-01-08 [Jeesum Crowe]: No, if it were a Freudian slip I would have made a slip... but I said it on purpose because that's what I thought she said.
2005-01-08 [Augury]: ^.^
2005-01-25 [Mordigen]: No I have not --- I hace only recieced one message and that was from a friend of mine, try resending it.....sorry, heh. I do not know how long you have been waiting for I reply, so I apologize, but just resend it and I'll look over it as soon as i get it ^_^
2005-01-28 [Pheonix From The Ashes]: It's okay... *walks away mumbling*
2005-02-10 [Runingwhispers]: Attention please: All those that have not left the game should please contact me, it doesn't matter what team you are on. Thank you.
2005-02-11 [Runingwhispers]: okay so now I know all those that are still playing. What I think we should do is try to at least put up a paragraph a week...or more
2005-02-11 [Runingwhispers]: the fell folk are going to step up the pace and give you a run for your money (what money?!?!?)
2005-02-11 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: *nods* I've been rereading, and I'm ready for some action! ;)
2005-02-12 [Runingwhispers]: We are all on probation because we stopped writing, I don’t think it is enough to just uncover the clues and not actually play the game. I know I didn’t uncover ANY clues that would mean most of that work was done by others, but the actual play is what is important. I think we uncovered too much too soon making the play not so challenging.
2005-02-12 [Runingwhispers]: Mordi hold on to info we don’t need yet so we can play with what we have and if we seem to have missed out on something then draw our attention to it and both teams will brain storm to come up with a solution to the puzzle.
2005-02-12 [Runingwhispers]: Oh by the way I think asking for a post a week is sort of asking too much seeing that most of us have full time jobs and kids to take care of. I have 3 jobs and they could be termed to be full time…but I will still try to meet up to the paragraph a week thing.
2005-02-12 [Runingwhispers]: I have asked Mordi for a more detailed map and she said it will take some time (she does need time to cool off – this has been building up for some time). Also those of you that quit, we can still see that you are watching the wikis. She only put you on probation and you decided to throw a fit, only she can do that since it’s her story and YOU read the rules and agreed to them before joining up. Seeing that she hasn’t removed you from the forum should mean something to you. HEY Mordi, don’t remove them just yet ;).
2005-02-12 [Runingwhispers]: Quitting like that shows just how immature you all are, flipping in the face of authority. That’s not a good way to go, you handle this situation like this and the rest of your life is going to mirror this period. When you enter a tight spot you quit because you were scolded. YOU WILL BECOME AN UNRELIABLE PERSON AND NO ONE WILL TRUST YOU WITH RESPONSIBILITI
2005-02-12 [Runingwhispers]: I think if you ask you can still continue, since its only probation all you have to do is prove that you are still interested and make concerted efforts in the play pages. The way the teams were formed and people joining up made it a wonderful mix. Let’s not let that just go away like it didn’t mean anything.
2006-04-11 [Yuriona]: YAY! It's open again!! *BOOGIES*
2006-04-11 [Rook]: W00H00!!! *dances*
2006-04-12 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: *joins in* :D
2006-04-12 [Runingwhispers]: lol
2006-04-14 [Mordigen]: The lands are all posted!!! though i still need to get the map up, all the descriptions are done, so go check them out to get a general sense of the world and the lay of the lands --- and keep an eye on the characters, a lot of them have morphed or changed since i've been gone, and some of them may not even be around much longer, and some new ones will be added too And...AND i will also be posting snippets now and then from the actual novel i'm writing, so keep an eye out for that too if you're interested
2006-05-13 [Mordigen]: ok---question question, Would everyone please go to The Lands and take a look at the map, and leave me a comment about how it looks --- I've checked it on several different computers, and on some the map has a big flare along the lower left side of it, and then again on others it comes out just fine -- BUT if it does indeed have a flare on it I need to fix that so you guys can see it properly, so take a look and let me know how all of you see it. Thankya!!
2008-07-24 [Mordigen]: aw,. poo :( aww the great comments you guys left here for me were lost in the crashes *sad panda*
2008-09-03 [Silentruths]: i dont how your book is but from the excerpt and the introduction seems pretty interesting ;) good work
2008-09-03 [Mordigen]: Thankyou ^_^
2008-09-04 [Silentruths]: i can't go to The lands... i'm new here so i don't know why i can't go there :( sorry
2008-09-04 [Mordigen]: Hmm, I dont know why either. You should be able to just click on the link and be taken to the wiki -- It is not set to require a password, or forum memership to view, so you should have no issue ... *scratches head*
2008-09-07 [Silentruths]:
2008-09-08 [Mordigen]: Try it now.........I mean, I didn't do anything special, but I changed it to private, and then back to a public page just to see if it was some sort of glitch or something, and maybe switching it, then switching it back helped. Try it now and let me know :)
2008-09-08 [Silentruths]: It's the same :(... It requires a password and when I put my elftown username and password, it always appears on a blank page:
«You need a password to view that wiki-page!
The wiki-page owner is: [Mordigen]» then I click in «[Mordigen]» and I go to your house... :(
but thanks for trying
2008-09-10 [Mordigen]: that is......very weird. I do not have it set to require a password. Let me try to edit it again.
2008-09-11 [Silentruths]: i can go there now!! thank you very much :D
2009-02-06 [Mordigen]: awww, thankyou ^_^
2011-06-03 [de Morte]: If I get the chance I will keep trying to look for things to fix for you!
2011-07-15 [Mordigen]: ha - thank you morte! I will definately need it ;)
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